index futures — are based on the projected movement of a share price index, such as the FTSE 100. London Stock Exchange Glossary * * * index futures index futures ➔ futures * * * index futures UK US noun [plural] FINANCE ► futures (= agreements to buy or sell… … Financial and business terms
Index Futures — A futures contract on a stock or financial index. For each index there may be a different multiple for determining the price of the futures contract. For example, the S P 500 Index is one of the most widely traded index futures contracts in the U … Investment dictionary
index futures — A futures contract on a financial futures market, such as the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, which offers facilities for trading in futures and options on a financial index. On the FTSE 100 Index (see Financial Times … Big dictionary of business and management
index futures — plural noun contracts to buy a range of shares at an agreed price but delivered and paid for later … English new terms dictionary
stock index futures — Based on stock market indexes, including Standard and Poor s 500, Value Line, NYSE Composite, Nikkei 225, the Major Market Index, and the Over the Counter Index, these instruments are used by investors concerned with price changes in a large… … Financial and business terms
China Stock Index Futures — China Shanghai Shenzhen 300 Stock Index Futures[1][2], often abbreviated to Hushen 300 Index (Shanghai is commonly abbreviated in Chinese as Hù,and Shenzhen is abbreviated as shēn), designated by the commodity ticker symbol IF, is a stock market… … Wikipedia
narrow-based index futures — are futures contracts whose underlying index is comprised of stocks in a particular industry, such as airlines, or telecoms. Compare this with broad based index futures whose stocks span the entire market. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary … Financial and business terms
share index futures — UK US noun [plural] FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► STOCK INDEX FUTURES(Cf. ↑stock index futures) … Financial and business terms
Futures — [ fjuːtʃəz; englisch, Plural von future »Zukunft«] Plural, Sammelbezeichnung für standardisierte Terminkontrakte, die an Börsen gehandelt werden (z. B. in Chicago, New York, London). Futures können sich auf Metalle, v. a. Edelmetalle,… … Universal-Lexikon
stock-index futures — noun a futures contract based on a stock index; a bet on the future price of the indexed group of stocks • Hypernyms: ↑futures contract … Useful english dictionary
Futures contract — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia